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New Measles Cases in Gloucestershire

The UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) South West is urging residents to check that they are up to date with their MMR vaccinations following confirmation of 15 new cases of measles within Bristol and Gloucestershire in the last two weeks.

Siobhan Farmer, director of public health at Gloucestershire County Council, and Christina Gray, director of public health at Bristol City Council added:

“Due to the rising cases of measles in Bristol and Gloucestershire, we are urging people of all ages to make sure they have had both doses of the vaccine to protect themselves, their friends and their families, and prevent a larger outbreak.

“Measles can be very serious, particularly for children or people with a compromised immune system. It can lead to hospitalisation, life-long complications, and even death in the most serious of cases. Families with children should make sure they receive both doses of the vaccine as soon as they can.

“If you aren’t sure about your vaccination status, try speaking to a parent or carer, and if still unsure you can check with your GP surgery. It is never too late to get immunised.”

At Stow Surgery we have 143 young people (under 29 years of age) who have an incomplete course or no vaccination at all. Appointments are available with our nursing team for vaccinations throughout the week.

If you experience these symptoms, seek medical attention, but please ensure that you phone ahead before visiting a healthcare setting, such as your GP surgery so that arrangements can be made to prevent others from being infected.

For more information, please visit One Gloucestershire: Measles isn’t just a childhood illness – how to protect yourself and recognise the signs.